[Film] Human Trafficking

A movie about one of the biggest problems today – modern slavery and sex trafficking.

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A movie about one of the biggest problems today – modern slavery and sex trafficking. A female agent gets deep into a world-wide slave trafficking ring to catch the head of the organization and break this criminal chain.
Starring Mira Sorvino, Donald Sutherland and Robert Carlyle.
“Hundreds of thousands of young women have vanished from their everyday lives-forced by violence into a hellish existence of brutality and prostitution. They’re a profitable commodity in the multi-billion-dollar industry of modern slavery. The underworld calls them human traffic”. (IMDB)

L’Italia è al centro del fenomeno non solo per la sua posizione geografica ma anche a causa di vuoti normativi che permettono ai traffickers di servirsi di modalità legali. In Italia le vittime a sfondo sessuale provengono generalmente da , , Nigeria, Marocco, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, ma esistono casi anche fra i Rom e i Sinti, nomadi italiani. (Fonte: La Repubblica)

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